Kahoot! time stands out, with the colourful big screen, competitive fingers, dashing eyes from big screen to individual PC screens, the rush and cheers, it’s always a good time. But it’s not all fun and games using Kahoot!, it’s also quizzes and tests.

Kahoot! can be used to create Quiz, Discussion, Polls and Jumble games.

Before you get carried away Kahoot!ng

Kahoot! is a “game-based platform for learning”. We use it to give tests and quizzes. It is fun and engaging, promotes healthy competition, encourages participation and yields excitement but like any other test, the primary purpose should be to monitor and measure students’ understanding of what has been taught. Kahoot! is well equipped for this purpose, compiling test scores, the  individual performances and the performance of the class per question and on the entire test, all downloadable in Excel or Google Sheets. So while the students are competing and having fun, teachers can monitor and assess student performances.

Making the best of Kahoot! quizzes

Create quizzes to review topics that have just been concluded; You can create a short Kahoot! for every class to do a recap of recently concluded topics before moving on to the next topic. It is better to carry out reviews regularly rather than waiting till (mid-term or end of term tests) topics pile up, in which case, the students may already be lost and overwhelmed.

Student performance can be monitored; you can assess student performances and identify student needs based on questions they didn’t get quite right.

Class performances can help you evaluate yourself as a teacher; For each question, you know what portion of the class did well and what portion didn’t. Where almost all students do not get a particular question or group of questions correctly, one can conclude that the concept was not communicated well with the students.

Team mode can be used to encourage collaboration; The Kahoot! team mode gives students an additional 5 seconds to discuss and agree on an answer. We use team mode with our younger students (Primary School). Being a digital literacy program, the students get to support each other through the learning process when they are placed in groups. We put them in small groups of fours at most to encourage all round participation. It also reduces delay time and there are more winners!

The pool of public games available can be useful; You can search for games under the topic(s) you want to test your students on. This gives you access to questions set by other teachers. You can have your students play the public games or simply get ideas for your own quiz. It is best to create your own quiz, you’re more likely to have questions that test your students better than a random person. However, getting ideas on what to set is never a bad idea.

Kahoot! quizzes can be used for classroom interaction and learning;  As an activity, you can have the students discuss why an answer is correct after every question.  Might slow down the fun a bit but you can be confident that your students understand and can explain to other students who don’t.

Getting started with Kahoot!

If you haven’t already, sign up for an account on Kahoot! to get started.

Create a quiz in minutes. Create a series of multiple choice questions, each question can have 2 options at least. Each question can also be timed based on complexity and how long you would expect a student to answer each question.

Share the game with your students. Game links can be shared via email. Or simply share the game code. For your students to access the game, they go to kahoot.it on their personal devices, enter the game code, put in a name (or nickname) and wait for the game to start.

Play. After all students have joined the game, you can start the game. The questions are displayed on the big screens and the students answer it on their devices.

Get results. At the end of the game, results can be compiled and downloaded into Excel or Google Sheets

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